Only those items listed on the allowable items list are permitted to be in the possession of residents. All other items are considered contraband. Family and friends may "drop off" allowable items for new residents within the first seven business days of their residency. "Drop offs" are accepted Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Any contraband found in a resident's possession will be seized and will result in disciplinary action. Examples of contraband items are:
1. Alcoholic beverages.
2. Any unlawful drug or substance.
3. All tobacco products.
4. Rolling papers, pipes, matches, lighters, flint, candles, incense, or any devices using open flame or combustion.
5. Weapons, including homemade weapons (i.e. shanks).
6. Sharp Items (scissors, needles, pins, glass, nails, screws, metal fragments, broken or unauthorized razors).
7. Tools (unauthorized possession).
8. Toxic/caustic materials (unauthorized possession of cleaners, fuel, gas, etc.).
9. Keys and/or lock picking devices.
10. Unauthorized medication.
11. Sexually explicit materials.12. Drug or tattoo paraphernalia.
13. Money.
14. Any item that is not listed on the allowable items or commissary lists.
15. Commissary items that belong to another resident.