The CBCF reserves the right to deny any prospective visitor or to terminate any visitation if the rules established for visitation have been violated.
On-site visits - Adult visitors are required to provide valid Driver's License or State ID. A birth certificate verifying maternity or paternity is required for all minor children visiting CBCF residents. Minor children must be accompanied by an adult responsible for the care and custody of the minor child.
Video visitation available during times determined by the facility to not interfere with the regularly scheduled programming at the facility. Those blocks of time are available on a first come, first served basis to approved visitors. Please consult with the person you intend to visit to verify that a scheduled visit does not coincide with a scheduled class.
Each resident is limited to two half hour visits per week.
Special Visitor status may be requested by Clergy, Attorneys, Probation Officers, etc. by registering online with ICSolutions (using the links below) and requesting Special Visitor status. Those visits occur without charge and are not recorded. You may be contacted by CBCF staff to verify Special Visitor status. On-site face to face special visits can be arranged for clergy, attorneys, etc. during normal business hours (Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM). Arrangements or requests for special or professional visits should be made through the assigned Case Manager.
1. On-site adult visitors (18 years and older) are required to provide a valid Driver’s License or State ID. A birth certificate verifying maternity or paternity is required for all minor children visiting CBCF residents. Visitors may arrive to sign into the facility no more than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled visitation.
2. Visitors may only visit with the resident for whom they are registered.
3. Only two visitors can visit on-site at a time. This includes children.
4. An adult responsible for the care and custody of a minor child must accompany minor children during on-site visits. Appropriate behavior is expected of all visitors, including children.
5. Siblings under the age of 18 are not permitted to visit on-site.
6. Offensive and loud language is not acceptable while in the CBCF.
7. CBCF staff may limit visitation time as needed.
8. On-site visitors must dress appropriately-
a. Shoes (no sandals) and shirts must be worn at all times.
b. Tank tops, bare mid-drifts, halters and see-through or revealing clothing are not permitted.
c. Shorts must be at least mid-thigh.
9. All visitors (including both off-site and on-site visitors) must remain appropriately attired during visitation. Revealing and/or see-through clothing or the removal of clothing to expose undergarments or flesh is inappropriate and will result in termination of visitation privileges.
10. Residents are responsible for the actions of their visitors.
11. On-site visitors who do not follow these rules will be directed to leave the facility by staff on duty. This may result in loss of visiting privileges following administrative review.
12. Visitors are prohibited from visiting while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The use of drugs or alcohol during a visit is also prohibited.
13. On-site visitors may be subject to a metal detector search and may be required to empty their pockets upon entering the visitation area. If illegal contraband is found during a search of a visitor, the contraband will be confiscated and law enforcement officials will be notified.
14. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2921.36 (Illegal conveyance of weapons, drugs or other prohibited items onto grounds of detention facility or institution.) - No visitor shall knowingly possess, have under their control, convey or attempt to convey a concealed weapon or dangerous ordnance onto CBCF premises under the penalty of law. Likewise, the conveyance of illegal substances or other prohibited items onto the grounds of the CBCF will result in charges being filed against the individual(s) responsible.
15. The grounds of the Lorain/Medina CBCF are tobacco free. All visitors are prohibited from carrying any tobacco product into the front lobby/visitation area or administrative area. All personal tobacco products must be secured inside the visitor's vehicle in the parking lot. Any visitor having tobacco products on their person will be asked to leave the facility and may be banned from this facility on a permanent basis.
16. Cell phones are not be permitted in the facility. Cameras, video recorders or other personal recording devises are not permitted inside the facility.
Denial of Visitation
Visitation may be denied under the following conditions:
1. Visitor represents a substantial threat to safety or security of the facility; has a protection order against a resident of this facility; has current charges; or is currently under supervision of the Court.
2. A violation of any published rule has occurred.
3. Visitor appears to be under the influence of alcohol or any type of chemical substance.
4. Visitor refuses to submit to a search, show proper identification, or has falsified identification.
5. Visitation restrictions have been put in place due to disciplinary or security reasons.
6. Visits may be terminated if a violation of facility rules has occurred. Visits can also be terminated for reasons of security or maintaining order. Prior to termination of a visit, less restrictive alternatives may be attempted.